
Kristin Stobbink (Zwolle 1987)
Printmaker – Series maker – Nature

If you want to read more English posts, follow Kristin Stobbink on Instagram @Stinlandsart!

Kristin Stobbink started studying Fine Art and Education in 2008. She did this at the Northern University in Leeuwarden (Noordelijke Hoge School te Leeuwarden). During her studies, she had the opportunity to do a Minor abroad. An opportunity that she gladly took on. In 2012, Stobbink started studying at the Education University of Hong Kong. She studied Printmaking, among other things. In addition to studying in Hong Kong, she traveled to Mainland China. After that Kristin Stobbink graduated with a series of landscape etchings.

“At the moment I am a young driven printmaker (artist) and visual arts teacher in secondary education (ISK). I work as an artist in the Printmaking atelier Friesland the Leeuwarden. For me, it is very important to make the connection between artistry and education. To let students discover their talents and to show the possibilities of their own creative capacity. Next to sharing my passion for making art i do highly value my own development as an artist. That is why I also like to work with other artists on art projects ”.

Why does water fascinate me so much?
Water has so many elements that play a role. It is fluid, the wind sets it in motion, there is a natural flow, it splashes and can change shape and substance (becoming ice and snow). It is transparent, a sea or river never consists of water alone, it can be cloudy and dirty – it contains plants and fish, it reflects its environment and light. Only a blue area does not make a good representation of water or a seascape. Water is dynamic, it moves, and how to capture that movement and form gives endless possibilities.

The deeper layer of my work.
“In my work that has a ‘Panta Rhei’ feeling, I as an artist have no intention in the first instance to impose a certain meaning on people or to direct their own interpretation. But in the closed bubble of my own creative capacity – the moment when the rest of the world does not exist I still direct the future observer very subtle. You understand, like many, that the reality is that we humans end nature(s) (beauty). That we humans should wonder why we do or think certain things. What it is we don’t notice or see in this world we made for ourselves”

Kristin Stobbink
~ Represented by Gallery de Roos van Tudor, Leeuwarden in the Netherlands.
~ Working as an artist in the Grafisch Atelier Friesland in Leeuwarden and since 2020, Stobbink also has a graphic workshop at home(the Netherlands).
~ Certified Teacher Visual Arts and Design Northern High School the Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.













